If navigating the current pandemic has taught us anything, it’s to not take certain things in life for granted—one of those being travel. For many of us, COVID-19 has impacted travel plans near and far and we are itching to find out when it will be safe to visit our favourite international destinations again.

Though we don’t have all the answers to your questions, here are some frequently asked travel questions and answers to help put your mind at ease.

When will Alberta Blue Cross® be selling travel insurance again?

Currently, the Government of Canada travel advisory is at a level three, which is to avoid non-essential travel. So, before we can sell travel insurance again, this advisory will need to become a level two: to exercise a high degree of caution, a level one: exercise normal security precautions or be removed completely.

Our number one priority is your safety and the safety of others, which is why we must abide by these levels. For more information on the risk levels, visit the Government of Canada’s travel advisories web page.

When will Alberta Blue Cross® sell travel insurance to go to the United States?

Similar to the above, the current level three travel advisory advises against non-essential travel including travel to the United States. Before we can sell travel insurance to go to the United States, this advisory also needs to become a level two, one or removed completely. Plus, the Canada-U.S. border will need to re-open.

When you start selling travel plans again, will there be coverage for COVID-19 if I buy emergency medical insurance? 

Yes; you will be covered for COVID-19 if you have not had any symptoms or a diagnosis in the 90 days prior to your departure date. You also cannot be awaiting a test result or have been in contact with anyone who tested positive in the last 14 days.

Will there be coverage for COVID-19 if I buy Trip Cancellation, Trip Interruption and Baggage insurance? 

As COVID-19 is now an anticipated event, it will not be covered.

Where do I check for travel advisories? 

Please visit the Government of Canada’s travel website for travel advice and advisories.

For more information on our travel coverage as it relates to COVID-19, please visit our website.


  • Daryl Meyer says:

    I am existing customer with out of country coverage. Am I covered for COVID-19 when travelling to the a United States. I haven’t received any documentation to the contrary. Thanks

    • Mike Perkins says:

      Daryl. I spent a considerable period of time last week talking to 4 different people in various departments trying to get the same information. To make a long story short , I finally received both verbal and written confirmation from the Team Lead-Individual Products Retention that if you are an existing client with previously purchased travel insurance you continue to be covered under your travel insurance policy for everything EXCEPT anything related to Covid 19, subject to the time limits, coverage limits and stability periods set forth in the policy. In addition Alberta Blue Cross does not currently sell Covid 19 travel insurance, although it appears that both Ontario Blue Cross and Quebec Blue Cross do, which seems strange. If you are looking for Covid 19 travel insurance then try Medipac, which is the recommended insurer of the Canadian Snowbirds Association.

    • Hi Daryl,
      As of March 13, 2020, the Government of Canada has issued an official notice to avoid all non-essential travel outside of Canada. In accordance with this notice, Alberta Blue Cross emergency medical travel coverage will not provide coverage for any claims related to COVID-19 incurred outside Canada for departures commencing March 14, 2020 or after.
      We recommend you check the Canadian travel advisories frequently. But, it’s critical to check before you book your trip and right before you leave.

      • Theo says:

        My understanding is that we will be covered for non-Covid related claims, though, correct?

        • Hi Theo,
          Yes you would be covered for non-COVID related claims, providing you don’t fall into any of the medical exclusions on your plan. We recommend (especially nowadays with things changing so frequently) that if you’re planning to travel, you should contact CanAssistance at 1-888-772-2583 to discuss any rules of exclusions that may apply at the time of your departure.

  • Theresa says:

    Can you use bluecross drug coverage while in another province for existing prescriptions? If so will the pharmacy direct bill or do you have to submit a claim?

    • Yes, you can fill your prescription in other provinces. As long as the pharmacy is connected with us for direct billing, they can direct bill. On the Alberta Blue Cross app or member site, you can use our provider look up tool to find a pharmacy nearest to your location.

  • Janet Hamilton says:

    Do we need special travel insurance when traveling to another province ex. B.C.?
    We have Blue Cross Seniors Plus Plan B at the present time. Does it cover any medical emergency situations such as ambulance or hospitalization?

    • Hi Janet,

      We would recommend that members who are travelling outside of Alberta to have travel coverage as there are some things that would not typically be covered by your existing plan such as repatriation, air transportation, return of vehicle, return of deceased, family and friend airfare and meals, medical escorts, remote emergency evacuation and return of dependent children.

      Our Seniors Plus Plan does not include travel coverage so we would encourage you to visit our website to purchase a travel plan: https://www.ab.bluecross.ca/travel/travel-insurance.php.

  • Yesac says:

    Are there any pre- requisite if my physician wanted me to start on Inj Ozempic?

    I am already on Metformin for years now but with age blood sugar is just hard to control thru diet & just metformin.

    Hbaic about 9 now.

    Can somebody from BC please tell why i can’t be on Ozempic yet?
    I believe i can be of better blood sugar if i can be on this drug.
    Please help.

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