The Alberta Blue Cross® app and our member site contain important information about your plan including claim history, coverage maximums and next eligibility for product or service, such as dental check up or glasses. Our online services allow you to easily check your eligibility for drugs, dental, vision and paramedical services.
What are paramedical services?
Paramedical services refer to treatments from health care providers such as chiropractors, physiotherapists, massage therapists, podiatrists and acupuncturists.
Health look up tool
Use the health look up tool to determine your eligibility for paramedical services, such as acupuncture, massage therapy and psychology services. For each eligible health benefit, you’ll be able to see the following:
- The amount you’ve used for the current benefit period.
- When you’ll be eligible for the full maximum.
- The maximum amount your plan covers per visit.
- The maximum frequency in which the benefit can be used.
- Any conditions that must be met to be eligible for the benefit.
- If dollar and frequency maximums are combined—for example, acupuncture assessments and treatments are combined under the total amount available for acupuncture services.

Drug look up tool
Use the drug look up tool to see if a specific drug is covered under your plan.You can search for a drug by the Drug Identification Number (DIN) or the drug name. We suggest searching by the DIN for faster, more accurate results. Searching by the drug name may take longer and could return several results.

The information provided by the drug look up tool reflects basic coverage under your plan, but some plans will have varying percentages paid for certain drugs. At the time of purchase, plan rules like percent allowed, dispensing fees, maximums and deductibles are applied to your claim.
Dental and vision benefits
Under the dental and vision benefit sections of our member site or app, you’ll find a tab labelled “What have I used?”. Here, you’ll be able to see how much of your benefit coverage for the current benefit period you’ve used and how much you still have available.


Don’t forget, 100 per cent of health claims can be submitted online. Learn more here.
NOBODY could negotiate this stupid site. ALL I wanted was a form to print for reimbursement for my eyeglasses.
Hi Lawrence, in case you didn’t know, you can submit your claim for eye glasses online. Just sign in the the member site and choose the vision option when claiming. For the claim for itself, if you visit our home page at the top there is a section called forms. Click that and you’ll see a list of claims forms. Second on the list of “Most commonly used plan member forms” is the ‘Health Services Claim form’. You can use that to submit your eye glasses.
I agree with Lawrence! I am trying to find my plan. not the site myplan but my actual plan and am having no luck at all.
Hi Luann, sorry to hear you are having trouble navigating the site. We will take down this feedback. To help you right now, please give our team a call and we’d be happy to walk you through this request. Our number is 1-800-661-6995. Thanks for commenting 🙂
Exactly. Where does vision come up on the site? Its not dental or drugs so why isn’t it under health? These comments are Years old and nothing has improved?
Hi Merrill, if you are looking for how to submit a vision claim, it can be found under claims on your homepage for your benefits. There is a section dedicated to vision.
where on this Blue Cross web site do you take feedback on coverage for specific drugS?
Hi Dan. You can go to the contact us section of the website and selecting “other” in the dropdown.