Normally when I look up, I see the sky. When I look east to west, I see the sun rise and set. When I look down, I see my feet—a firm foundation, planted to the ground. When I look at my phone, I see the Kardashia … COVID-19, the pandemic, “plandemic”, mask wielding, face shielding, house lodging, hug dodging and the global virus that has seemingly plagued the world.
Your job is gone, the future is unclear, bills are piling and the end of the month is near. Welcome to the “new norm”. Every generation has seen difficulties, yet none have seen one quite like this and you’re living in it. What do we do? Where do we turn? Where is the cure? Will we always be stuck here? When will this end? These are the questions most of us are asking ourselves right now. It’s confusing and you’re not alone.

If you’re anything like me, you are deeply reliant on your phone. Everything from banking and paying bills to ordering groceries or dinner, checking the news or score of the game, scrolling through memes to online dating are found in our pocket-sized ally. What are you doing with your phone? How much of your time is spent deep in the black hole created by social media and other outlets?
As powerful and productive as our phone can be, it’s equally easy to fall prey to the trap of isolation, negativity and deferred loneliness. When our social media are feeds riddled with frightening updates, clickbait, false news, traumatic images, constant unrealistic comparisons and more, it’s hard not to get sucked in. I am human and guilty of it too. That being said and in the same breath, I must acknowledge the good, positive and powerful events and initiatives happening in the world right now.
Initiatives like the #Text4Hope program from Alberta Blue Cross®, Alberta Health Services and Mental Health Alberta. Did you know that by simply texting “COVID19Hope” to 393939, you can receive daily advice, support and suggested actions from mental health experts to help you build adaptive coping skills and resiliency?

Subscribing is free of charge and guarantees to pay dividends mentally. I genuinely look forward to receiving my message every day. Somehow, I forget it’s coming and then “bing”—a flare and light of positivity during the darkness arrives. I find myself encouraged, inspired and challenged by the daily messages I’ve received.
Thank you Alberta Blue Cross® for implementing this powerful and free resource during a time of hardship for all. I sincerely hope this blog—my thoughts and these words—are the “sign” you’ve been waiting for to encourage you to act.
Do something positive for yourself right now to get through what we are all experiencing.
Text “COVID19Hope” to 393939. Little things compounded daily make a big difference and your mental health and well-being is worth it.
This blog was written in partnership with Jay R. McDonald, creator of Romance Your Wild. To view and read more of his work, visit Romance Your Wild.