Alberta Blue Cross®’s online wellness program—Balance®, is a great resource to help you on your journey towards improving and maintaining your health and overall wellness.
Balance® gets you started by taking small steps towards lasting change. For example, if you want to improve your diet, Balance® can help you transition from unhealthy to healthy choices. Or if you find it difficult to keep track of your medications, Balance® can gently nudge you with a friendly email reminder.
Here are four great reasons to check out Balance® today:
- Learn and earn Every time you turn on the news, there are bound to be a few stories about the latest health research—whether about prescription drugs, health conditions or tips on leading a healthier lifestyle. The Learn and earn modules in Balance® deliver practical information about many health conditions and lifestyle choices. Each module is broken down into different sections including
• description of the condition,
• prevention,
• treatment,
• medication and more.
Balance® is also a great resource if you have friends or family with a health condition and you want to learn more about it. To enhance your learning, each page has a short quiz to reiterate key points. As a bonus for completing the quizzes, you earn Balance® points redeemable toward entries for the chance to win great prizes. - Stay on top of your medications The more medications you take, the harder it is to keep track of them. Or maybe your doctor prescribed you a new drug and you need a helpful reminder to take it. The Balance® medication reminders send you friendly emails, as often as you’d like, reminding you to take your prescriptions. To earn Balance® points, just acknowledge when you’ve taken your medications.
- Sync your Fitbit Sync your Fitbit wearable fitness device and each day when your Fitbit records your 10,000th step, you earn 100 points in Balance®. Syncing is automatic—you don’t need to sign in until you’re ready to spend your points. To get started, sign in to Balance® and link your Fitbit device.
- Earn prizes Once you’ve earned all of those points, spend them in the My Rewards store for a chance to win. The store contains everything from $10 gift cards and fitness equipment to $250 gift cards to resort hotels in the mountains. You choose! When you find a prize that you would like to win, type in how many entries you want and you will automatically be entered into the draw.
As a Blue Cross Assured client can you sync a galaxy wearable/ Samsung watch (fitness tracker) like you can a fitbit
Good morning, Brenda.
The following wearable devices and operating systems are currently supported and able to sync to Balance: Fitbit, Garmin, Misfit and devices that utilize Wear OS by Google. Unfortunately Samsung is not able to connect and sync automatically with Balance, you will will need to manually enter your data. Balance is continually working to enhance the experience and allow more opportunity to earn points. Stay tuned for updates on when new wearables become available for Balance integration.