To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow. – Audrey Hepburn
If you’ve visited a greenhouse or plant store recently you’ll notice one thing they all have in common—they’re emptier than usual. The COVID-19 pandemic has many people spending more time than usual at home, and now looking for ways to update their spaces, inside and out—leading people to turn their thumbs green.
Plants make people happy
As reported in Psychology Today, it’s been shown that plants can lower blood pressure, increase attentiveness, raise productivity at work, lower anxiety and improve overall well-being. They also improve air quality.
In this time of uncertainty, what better way to try and bring some joy into your life than with a few plants?

To support you on your growing journey we thought we’d share a few tips for both budding and seasoned green thumbs.
- Planting tomatoes? To make them sturdier, make sure they’re planted super deep (about half the stem covered in dirt). You can snip the lower branches off before you do this. You can also add bone meal, broken up egg shells or any other type of tomato fertilizer (with calcium) to the bottom of the hole before adding the plant in—just be sure to mix it with the dirt so the fertilizer doesn’t directly touch the roots of the plant.
- Leaves brown or wilting? You may be drowning your plants. One of the biggest mistakes people make when it comes to caring for house plants is over watering. Most plants only need to be watered once a week, if not longer. Before watering, stick your finger deep into the soil. If it’s still wet, check back again in a couple days.
- Plants turning yellow or are the leaves falling off? Your plant may not be getting the right amount of light. Be sure to do your research to understand the type of light your plant needs. It is possible to burn a plant with too much sun or starve your plant by not giving it enough light.
- Can’t seem to turn your brown thumb green? Keeping fresh flowers in your house is always a great alternative. You can also take a few pieces of eucalyptus or lavender and hang them in your shower. The essential oils that emit from the humidity while you shower can help to calm your mind and clear your head—and your sinuses.
- Scared or intimidated? Local Edmonton greenhouse expert, Jim Hole’s biggest piece of advice for first-time gardeners is to not be afraid to try. To read more of his tips, check out this article on CBC.
What are your planting and growing tips? Share your tips with us below.