Update February 11, 2025:
Alberta Blue Cross® is aware that the Government of Alberta has announced that it intends to opt out of the federal dental care program. We have no additional information at this time. Our expectation is that the federal dental program will continue until the terms of Alberta opting out are finalized, which may take until 2026.
We are monitoring for further details regarding this announcement and will ensure Albertans are kept informed of any potential changes that could impact their coverage.
While more Canadians will now have access to dental care with the new Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP), navigating the eligibility requirements can be challenging. The Government of Canada recently published additional information regarding the next phase of the CDCP. Here’s what you need to know.
What is the CDCP?
The CDCP is a federal government program that provides dental coverage for those meeting specific eligibility criteria. Since not everyone will qualify for this new plan, we are here to help you understand what has been released about the plan so far.
Am I eligible for the CDCP?
To qualify for the CDCP, you must meet all the following eligibility criteria:
- Be a Canadian resident for tax purposes.
- Have an adjusted family net income of less than $90,000.
- Have filed your tax return in the previous year.
- Not have access to dental insurance. Not having access to dental coverage is defined as no dental insurance
- through an individual’s employer benefits or that of a family member, including health and wellness accounts;
- through an individual’s pension (through their previous employer) or a family member’s pension benefits; or
- purchased by an individual or a family member, or through a group plan, from an insurance or benefits company.
Eligibility requirements must be met every year for continued coverage through the CDCP.
Canadian residents who have access to dental coverage through a social program offered by a province or territory and/or the federal government can still quality for the CDCP if they meet all the eligibility criteria.
Please note the following:
- Any level of dental coverage offered by an employer, including health spending accounts, is considered access to dental coverage, even if the employee opts out of dental coverage.
- A privately purchased benefits plan is specifically defined as privately purchased dental insurance, meaning those with private insurance for other benefits such as drug, health or travel coverage can still qualify.
How can I apply for the CDCP?
Application for the CDCP for other eligible individuals opens to those with an adjusted family net income
of less than $90,000 in phases according to the below schedule. For more information about applying please visit https://www.canada.ca/en/services/benefits/dental/dental-care-plan/apply.html#apply-online.
Age group | Start date |
Seniors aged 87 and older | December 2023 |
Seniors aged 77 to 86 | January 2024 |
Seniors aged 72 to 76 | February 2024 |
Seniors aged 70 to 71 | March 2024 |
Seniors aged 65 to 69 | May 2024 |
Adults with a valid Disability Tax Credit certificate | June 2024 |
Children under the age of 18 | June 2024 |
All remaining eligible Canadian residents | Starting 2025 |
Those who apply and are successfully enrolled in the CDCP will receive a member card, coverage start date and information regarding the program.
Please note: the earliest coverage commenced for qualified applications was May 2024. Your start date depends on your age, when your application is received and when your enrolment is completed.
What dental services are covered under the CDCP?
Details on services covered can be found on the CDCP website. More specific information regarding the coverage amounts available for specific services can be found in the CDCP Dental Benefits Guide.
It should be noted that the CDCP has a defined list of dental services that will be covered; some of these services will require preauthorization for coverage.
How much does the CDCP cover?
The CDCP will cover a percentage of eligible expenses based on adjusted net family income.
Adjusted family net income | How much will the CDCP cover at CDCP-established fees | How much you will cover* |
Lower than $70,000 | 100 per cent | 0 per cent |
Between $70,000 and $79,999 | 60 per cent | 40 per cent |
Between $80,000 and $89,999 | 40 per cent | 60 per cent |
*Please note that even with coverage under the CDCP, individuals may still experience out-of-pocket costs for the following reasons:
- Those with adjusted family incomes between $70,000 to $89,999 will have co-payments between 40 to 60 per cent.
- The CDCP will only pay based on their established CDCP fees, which are not the same as the provincial and territorial fee guides.
- Oral health providers are encouraged to follow the CDCP fees, but individuals will be required to cover the balance for expenses higher than those fees. This means that someone covered for 100 per cent of eligible oral health care service costs under the CDCP may still face additional costs. Oral health care providers may charge higher than the CDCP fees, and certain services may not be covered under the CDCP.
- According to the CDCP website, individuals should always ask their dental provider about any costs that won’t be covered by the CDCP plan before receiving oral health care.
- Prior to July 8, 2024, individuals must visit a dental provider that has formally signed up to participate as a CDCP provider. As of this date, all dental providers will be able to submit claims on behalf of CDCP patients.
As an employer, what are my obligations?
The CDCP is limited to those who do not have access to dental coverage through their employer or a privately purchased benefits plan. It is important to understand what is considered access. Any level of dental coverage offered by an employer, including health spending accounts, is considered access to dental coverage, even if the employee opts out of dental coverage.
Effective the 2023 taxation year, employers will be required to indicate on their employees’ T4 or T4A whether each employee or any of their family members were eligible, on December 31 of each year, to access any dental care insurance.
Please refer to the following Canada Revenue Agency sites for details:
We’ll share information about this new plan as the details become available.
If you have any questions about eligibility requirements for the CDCP, please visit Canadian Dental Care Plan – Canada.ca
If you require assistance navigating your Alberta Blue Cross plan options, please Contact Us
So…………… as a VERY low income senior who has a significant chunk of cash deducted from my private pension payment for FAR FROM ADEQUATE dental services plan, I am apparently prohibited from participating in a federal program funded directly with taxpayer dollars. This is highly discriminatory to those who have worked and paid taxes in this country for 50 years and more. I was planning to cancel the private coverage anyways as it is pretty much worthless, and takes money I can ill afford to spend. ……….It covers virtually nothing compared to the proposed CDCP. Still, the government sees fit to penalize me for having paid all those years into a dental coverage plan that provides little benefit…………. sad to say, I’m not surprised……….
Wait, why can’t you still benefit from the CDCP even if you cancel your dental plan with Blue Cross? Please elaborate. Thanks
Yes, if you cancel the blue cross that makes you eligible right?
Yes I’m not understanding this? I pay for my sons blue cross because he doesn’t have a job right now, he needs dental work he’s 30yrs old high anxiety, if I cancel his blue cross then can he apply for this dental plan and get his teeth fixed for free?
Hi Donna, if you have any questions about eligibility requirements for the CDCP, please visit: https://www.canada.ca/en/services/benefits/dental/dental-care-plan.html
I fall into the same situation…my wife’s dental plan that I use basically is useless…cleanings every six months and fillings…bottom of the line plan…so I lose out. Someone who has no plan at all gets basic and major dental covered under the new government plan. To make it fair for everyone they need to tweek this and have a coordination of benefits so us people with useless plans don’t miss out and suffer while all the others with no plan to begin with get the best of the new government plan.
I totally agree as I am in the same group. Lousy coverage through my Retired Pension Plan, that pays next to nothing, but I pay about $300 a year for it. An advisor from OAS suggested I opt out of the Pension Plan and apply for the CDCP. So when I called my Pensioners Pay person to opt out he advised me that she was wrong. If I opt-out and then don’t qualify for the CDCP, I would NOT be able to opt back into the Retired Pensioners Plan. It would be lovely if there was ONE person who could and would actually answer the questions, and put it in writing.
Hi Gina, for more information on the CDCP, you can contact them here: https://www.canada.ca/en/services/benefits/dental/dental-care-plan/contact.html
I’ve already read this information and I applied for the CDCP being honest and telling them that I have coverage through the PublicServicePensionPlan which I pay about $300 a year for, plus I pay 50% of any major dental work (root canal or crown) my share has been estimated at over $1500 for ONE tooth. That’s more than I can afford on my pension which is less than $800 a month.
And yet, Alberta Blue Cross for Seniors will also NOT cover ANY of my Dental expenses, as my annual income was more the $32,000. I’d love to see these people make ends meet let alone pay for any necessary dental. So, I don’t get my tooth fixed.
I’ve paid Federal Income Tax for over 50 years, and yet someone who hasn’t worked or had been part of any type of private or employer benefit plan that, as an employee, they paid for, can get expensive dental work paid for out of money I pay to Revenue Canada. This is so absurd and a disgrace. It should be fair for everyone and based on income. Having it available for families who make less than $90,000 annually is okay, but it should also be available for those who are single who make less than $45,000 a year.
Hi there, thanks for your comment. The Alberta provincial government seniors coverage (Dental assistance for seniors program (DASP)) and the federal government CDCP plan are funded and decided by the government. Alberta Blue Cross administers the Dental Assistance for Seniors Program (DASP) Alberta provincial programs on their behalf. CDCP is administered by Sunlife on behalf of the federal government. To learn more about these programs, you can visit their website: https://www.alberta.ca/drug-coverage-health-benefits
wow what do you get for $ 300 per year I pay $170.00 / month
This is the liberals and NDP dental plan that they are so proud of, it’s just like the pharamacare plan they are trying to push down people’s throats. You can not be on any kind of plan, no dental plan no medical plan then you can apply. It comes out of your taxes and I know where your coming from, my husband had to retire this year and he is diabetic and I have 1 prescription that costs me $50 a month, he can only turn in his prescriptions once a year and my plan only has a certain amount so we too are screwed. We don’t all make the money they do. Trudeau will never have to pay for anything but we have to suffer and we are the ones paying. Makes me sick
Lee. I am disgusted by the fact that you found out the new plan will not let you join if you cancel your present, apparently not effective, plan. I too would benefit more from cancelling Blue Cross and going with the new Canada plan.
We were just discussing this same situation we are seniors and the price for Blue Cross dental and prescription drugs is $300.00/ month not sure why seniors are completely on their own since IMO if you make 90K a year pretty sure you can afford a dental plan . IMO this is really badly thought out idea with no regard for people left with the huge bills to make sure they have dental coverage which BTW IMO should have always been covered with our medical plans in every Province . We have a dental plan because we do not have the money to pay out of pocket when something needs to done
I am in the same position. Thank you for your voice on the matter.
I have been wondering about how all this will work. So am I correct in my understanding that if I have Blue Cross coverage for Seniors and have been paying extra for Level B Blue Cross Assured I am not eligible for the Federal Plan?
Hi Carol, We’ll share information about this new plan as the details become available.
If you have any questions about eligibility requirements for the CDCP, you can visit this link: https://www.canada.ca/en/services/benefits/dental/dental-care-plan.html
I’m a senior in the same situation. I have been paying for Level A Blue Cross Assured coverage because that’s all I could afford. The plan is now costing me $528. per year in premiums, for only 70% coverage for dental. My annual pension income is far below the $90K threshold, and yet I’m not allowed to apply for CDCP even if I chose to cancel my Blue Cross plan? That’s a question that CDC has ignored so far and needs to address very soon!
So, I was reading that if yo have dental coverage through a provincial, territorial or federal government social program, you can still qualify for the CDCP. If you meet all the eligibility criteria, your cover will be coordinated between the plans to ensure there are no duplication or gaps in coverage. So I’m assuming that us seniors that have Blue Cross in Alberta will probably be covered under the CDCP as well. That’s the way I understand it. Am I right??
Hi Bjorka. You are correct, you can still qualify for the CDCP. Even if you have the provincially funded Seniors dental coverage, you can still qualify for the CDCP and the two plans will be coordinated.
That’s not how I’m reading it on the CANADA website. Regarding retirees with a Prov gov’t sponsored plan, it seems to say we CAN’T apply for CDCP unles we cancelled it before Dec 23. Is that not what I’m seeing here?
not have access to dental insurance
What does not having access to dental insurance mean?
This means you do not have access to any type of dental insurance or coverage through:
your employment benefits or a family member’s employment benefits, including health and wellness accounts
a professional or student organization
Note: If you’re eligible for dental coverage through your employment benefits or through a professional or student organization, you’re not eligible for CDCP. This is true even if:
you decide not to take it
you have to pay a premium for it
you don’t use it
your pension benefits or a family member’s pension benefits
this includes federal, provincial and territorial government employer pension plans
Exception: You may be eligible for the CDCP if you’re retired and:
you opted out of pension benefits before December 11, 2023, and
you can’t opt back in under the pension rules
coverage purchased by you or a family member or through a group plan from an insurance or benefits company
if you purchased your current dental insurance policy privately (and not as part of any of the coverage described above), you’re not eligible for the CDCP while that coverage is in effect.
Hi Monty! For more info about the CDCP you can contact the government of Canada using this link: https://www.canada.ca/en/services/benefits/dental/dental-care-plan/contact.html
I was turned down for the CDCP because I have the seniors Blue Cross dental plan. I called the phone number on the form I received to apply. I had been told, as you stated here, that the two plans would be coordinated but I was still turned down because of the Blue Cross Plan, which doesn’t give me much. I no longer have the form with the phone number to re-apply. Could you provide that for me?
All the Seniors who make less than 70,000 or meet the eligibility criteria should be fully covered without any strings attached by CDCP, as they worked hard
and paid their taxes during all their time when they had to. It should help Seniors first and the rest.
My husband, Grant, & I, Joyce have been Alberta BLUE CROSS members since May of 2017. We are very confused regarding eligibility for CDCP because of having this coverage. We understand the eligibility regarding the Income, but criteria regarding eligibility because of being BLUE CROSS MEMBERS IS NOT entirely clear. We have received the forms for CDCP, and plan to start the process . We do not wish to cancel our present BLUE CROSS COVERAGE.
Surely blue cross could help seniors with this issue. Can seniors apply for cdcp before they cancel their blue cross b coverage? Or must seniors cancel their blue cross coverage to get cdcp? Or is it the absurd case that if you have blue cross you can never get cdcp?
I was told i do qualify but application will be rejected unless i cancel my Blue cross plan
I was told the same thing and I cancelled my blue cross before I applied because it said seniors cannot have ANY coverage
Hi Matthew, for information about the CDCP, please contact Canada.ca/dental or 1-833-537-4342
I am a senior and have the added advantage plan. Do I have to cancel the advantage part to qualify for the CDCP plan ?
I wish you had a chart Govt vs Blue Cross ….. I find this apple vs Apple confusing.
Hi Rose, for information about the CDCP, please contact Canada.ca/dental or 1-833-537-4342
I pay for the Blue Cross, ‘Blue Assured”; which provides some Health, Vision and Dental Coverage. I contacted Service Canada to ask whether the fact that I pay for that Blue Cross plan disqualifies me from applying for the new Canadian Dental Care Plan. I was told to call Blue Cross. I realize kBlue Cross has had a dental plan for low income seniors which is different from some of the paid plans. It seems a simple question; for those of us that pay a monthly premium for Blue Assured still quality and apply for the new Canadian Dental Care Plan? Thank you for any help you can provide.
This sounds like a cop out! As I read the comments and questions. The key question is: Does the paid for Blue Cross program prevent coverage with the federal program. Carol Armstrong asks:
“It seems a simple question; for those of us that pay a monthly premium for Blue Assured still quality and apply for the new Canadian Dental Care Plan?
You reply:
Hi Carol, please give our team a call and they will be able to provide you with this information. 1-800-394-1965.
Why not address this in the comments. It cannot be that difficult!
Hi Rob, if you hold an Alberta Blue Cross’ Blue Assured plan, with dental option, you would not be eligible for the CDCP. However, if you choose to opt out of the dental portion of the Blue Assured plan, you could apply for the CDCP. We would be happy to have a Personal Benefit Consultant reach out to you if you need assistance in making a plan change.
it’s a simple yes or no question, does being on ABC Blue Assured disqualify us from Canadian Dental Care plan.
Why do you not simply give the answer here to also help the rest of us asking that same question?
Hi Barb, if you hold Alberta Blue Cross’ Blue Assured plan, with dental option, you would not be eligible for the CDCP. However, if you choose to opt out of the dental portion of the Blue Assured plan, you could apply for the CDCP. We would be happy to have a Personal Benefit Consultant reach out to you if you need assistance in making a plan change.
thank you for the clarification.
absolutely that would help everyone with the same question rather than asking again and again. PLEASE CLARIFY.
Hi Jose, As per the guidelines of the CDCP, yes one of the qualifiers for the program is you not having access to dental coverage on a personal health and dental plan. To review your options or make changes to your plan, please call 1-800-394-1964
I feel your pain.
New plan this, new plan that, but there’s insufficient info on the integration of the new plans with existing plans. I have the free seniors plan & ABC group C plan for which I pay the equivalent of my old non-group & AB BC plan. My present situation covers my 11 oral meds/d + 1 daily injectable + 1 weekly injectable including all co-payments. I need a new CPAP pump too & supplies. Also, I am working towards a total knee replacement after 8 years of what has been the most delightful pain some years. I have not been able start up my biz as I need 2 good legs to use the lifting aids. Electric hoist to be installed soon. Taxes have not been done since 2016 as I need to produce something to claim for machinery purchased using RRSPs, etc. The Govt of Canada allows non-compliant equipment into the country when it should be vetted by CBS
The free access to exercise programs has been reduced to the “Prescription to get active” which requires me to pay after the first 2-4 weeks depending on the location. After that I must negotiate a ‘deal’. The “Glad” program (a new discovery) for people with chronic diseases adds to this, but is often virtual. More virtual classes in the home or attendance at the PCN – a private network which is difficult to get to on public transport in my area of Edmonton with no car in the winter. Yes, we do have a choice of which one we go to, but the GP must fill out paperwork! It seems that they do not want us to stay healthy, just pay money for visits with people who are overworked, underpaid & who don’t understand the system either, never mind modern medicine! Major revisions are required at many levels! Let’s all phone the PM, the Premier, the Health Minister(s) & ask for cheat sheets to organize people.
It seems that each individual must work everything out themselves in Canada or ignore all of the laws & live off-grid! Municipal, provincial & federal govts should have meetings to hammer out these issues & produce cheat sheets for the public & the professionals. The alternative is that millions of people phone up a 1-800 number only to be greeted by, “All of our staff are currently busy. Please wait on the line & your call will be answered in the order it was received!” Why? AI not working intelligently yet? Just wait until it pushes the ‘Nuke’ button!
Please cancel my Blue Cross coverage
Hi Glenda, for information about your plan please give our customer service team a call at 1-800-661-6995. Thank you!
I’ve read the questions and the replies from Blue Cross regarding CDCP but still haven’t seen a clear answer from Blue Cross. If I have Blue Cross dental coverage, am I disqualified from the CDCP? Yes or no? Surely you have people who have studied the regulations and can give me a straight answer as it directly affects your business. If yes and I am disqualified, can I cancel my Blue Cross dental coverage and be eligible for CDCP (assuming I meet the other criteria)? Thank you.
Hi John, As per the guidelines of the CDCP, yes one of the qualifiers for the program is you not having access to dental coverage on a personal health and dental plan. To review your options or make changes to your plan, please call 1-800-394-1964
I have been taking drug DIN 02270528 40mg.prescribed by my Doctor for some time which earlier was covered under SunLife and ABC health Insurance.
Recently under Blue Cross only 80mg tablets are covered and not 40mg, as such I do not understand logic where as same tablet is not been covered by Blue cross and I am not advised to take 80mg instead of 40mg, and Blue Cross had no explanation on this issue so far. Why before with SunLife/Blue Cross and not now with Blue Cross/Blue cross? and lately Seniors have extended benefits under AHC.
Hi Jose, for questions regarding your coverage, please give our customer service team call at 1-800-661-6995 and they will be able to assist you. Thank you!
I approached your customer service several times as well other officers no reply forthcoming. They are convinced that it is not justified however
they could or can’t do much about it. The question is if 80mg is covered under Blue Cross why not 40mg of the same tablet is not covered?
Can any one answer this?
I am 74 years old and retired November 30, 2023. My employer (Western Securities Limited) gave me a severance package of 1 year salary ($83,500) paid out
in 12 monthly installments (Dec 1, 2023 to Nov 30, 2024). I am also receiving CPP & Old Age Security.
Do I qualify for this Canadian Dental Plan?
Hi Margo, for more information on eligibility for CDCP, you can contact them here: https://www.canada.ca/en/services/benefits/dental/dental-care-plan/contact.html
I spoke to someone at Blue Cross a while ago and they told me you can put your plan with them on hold for $9.99 a month that way you don’t have a waiting period etc. and if you decide you want to go back, you just phoned them and it’s in immediate uncancelled And continue as you were
Blue Cross please clarify and inform members whether putting a hold on the dental portion of Seniors Assured is an option in order to obtain coverage from the federal program, CDCP
Hi there. Thanks for reaching out. For more information, please contact our personal plans team at 1-800-394-1965 and choose option 3 and our team would be happy to help with this.
Hi dear Sir/ madam.
This is the first time I am applying for dental benefits . We are Chang our address as will . And I would like to apply for my self and my spouse as will as we don’t have any dental insurance and health insurance.
Hi Malalai, thanks for reaching out. Please give our customer service team a call at 1-800-661-6995 and they will be able to assist you. Thank you!
Thanks for your helpful information it was really useful.
As a Senior I am offended by the Government plan! Because I have taken the initiative and always had extra coverage, first through my employer and on retirement private Blue Cross Assured, I do not qualify for the government insurance unless I cancel my private insurance. This is total discrimination! I am in the correct income bracket and how I spend my money should be up to me and not influence any government insurance availability. If this government was serious about a national dental plan, it would be set up like Health Care. The government pays a percentage of dental work, and the patient pays the rest! Then it is up to the patient to either pay themself or carry insurance to cover the rest. That would be fair! This proposed plan is an insult!
Hi Renate, thanks for reaching out. Please give our customer service team a call at 1-800-661-6995 and they will be able to answer any questions you may have about the Canadian Dental Plan and details regarding the qualifications that may apply. Thank you!
So if I am 53 and fully disabled, unemployed with a disability tax credit and an income in the $30K range I am not eligible for the new government plan? Why are they leaving disabled Canadians out? Why are we always left out?
Hi Pamela, for more information on eligibility for CDCP, you can contact them here: https://www.canada.ca/en/services/benefits/dental/dental-care-plan/contact.html
Excellent blog! It covers essential details about the Canadian Dental Care Plan in a clear and informative way. Thanks for sharing this valuable information!
Great blog! It provides clear and essential insights into the Canadian Dental Care Plan. Thanks for sharing this valuable information!
The new dental care plan could be a game-changer for many. How do you think it will affect accessibility for low-income families?
I don’t think I am eligible for the Federal Dental Plan. However, since it’s a slow afternoon and I received an e-mail from ABC regarding some letter(s) regarding a possible change to coverage (can’t find letters btw) I thought I would check out your website. I have read through all of the questions/comments from your clients and the replies to the questions/comments from ABC. Does ABC have anything to offer besides telling clients to check out the requirements of the plan on the federal government website?
Surely, ABC should have more to offer than telling clients to check out the CDCP on http://www.canada.ca!!!!
Hi Sheila,
Thank you for reaching out. If you require assistance navigating your Alberta Blue Cross plan options, please contact us at https://www.ab.bluecross.ca/contact-us.php.
We are directing members to the CDCP website because Alberta Blue Cross does not administer this plan, and we are unable to assist with eligibility. At this time, Alberta Blue Cross has no additional information about the Government of Alberta’s announcement that it intends to opt out of the federal dental care program. We anticipate that the federal dental program will continue until the terms of Alberta opting out are finalized, which may take until 2026. We will monitor the situation and ensure our customers are kept informed of any potential changes that could impact their coverage.
This dental care plan is such a game-changer for low-income families. It’s awesome to see more people getting the help they need for their dental health without the stress of huge bills.
Very useful all type of families.it ensures the best coverage insurance for dental services.Thank you